Dorothy Dady
Sovereign, Equity Advocate, Creative Artist, Photographer & Writer
First and foremost, I am sovereign and a creative libertarian. However, a kind heart and a compassionate soul won't pay the "bills", which, I might add, is all by design.​ Embrace the 'living wo/man' and not the 'dead fiction' by researching the truth behind the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, Bill of Rights Act 1688/9, and the Bills of Exchange Act 1882, as all might not be as it seems.
Having lived through the past eight years of 'established' chaos inflicted upon me by the morally corrupt 'British Establishment', I cannot unknow what I know and have made the conscious decision to step off the merry-go-round of lies and deceit perpetuated by the 'British Civil Service' who ooze utter contempt for free-thinking sovereigns who have put in the time and research to expose the 'fraud by misrepresentation' that enable the never-ending abuse of the good men and women of this beautiful country called England, and lest we forget the horrific 'Crimes Against Humanity' and 'Genocide' taking place in Palestine and elsewhere in the world is not in my name. My Sweat-Equity will not contribute towards the intentional killing and maiming of innocent men, women, children and animals for a 'Zionist' agenda. #FreePalestine
We are all living through an information war in which the legacy media has been corrupted, and Organised Crime is rife. Our data is vital to escaping the so-called obligations inflicted upon us. So, be the owner of your choices and speak your truth, as "Silence gives consent" (Maxim).
No amount of state bullying, harassment and intimidation will stop me from using my voice and speaking my truth; my story will be told Trilogy of Truth.​​​​​